Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lynda Geyer is licensed through the Florida College of Natural Health as a facial specialist, and her professional experience includes skin care as a medical aesthetician and laser technician. She is passionate about skin care and is experienced in treating a wide variety of skin types, and by effecting both superficial and cellular changes to the skin, she can help improve not just its health and appearance, but in many cases improve her patients' self-image and self-esteem as well.

Lynda graduated from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York with a Master’s degree in Fine Arts. She was invited to join the faculty at her alma mater and taught painting and drawing there for several years, raised a family, and flourished as a practicing artist for over twenty years. In a redefining career change, she retrained as a facial specialist and entered Dr. Mash’s practice in 2002.

“True growth and success are not possible without sharing what we learn. For this reason I remain both a student and a teacher; only the subject matter has changed. The fields of science and art are linked, and I have found the transition from one to the other to be interesting and challenging as I use my previous experience in art and aesthetics in my career as a medical and cosmetic asthetician.”

Lynda is presently staff aesthetician in the aesthetic and medical dermatology practice of Dr. Marlene J. Mash in Plymouth Meeting, PA, where she specializes in moderate skin resurfacing techniques, addressing acne and aging skin due to both biological and environmental causes.

Moderate Skin Resurfacing

We have developed a cluster of treatments combining a standard facial with chemical peel and microdermabrasion, which we identify as the Superpeel, to provide innovative and effective skin resurfacing requiring no down time. By definition, the moderate nature of the Superpeel enables the patient to resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. Because it is non-aggressive and non-wounding, results must be regular, progressive, and cumulative, with several one-hour visits necessary to correct the insults of acne, environment, and age. Popular areas for the Superpeel are the face and neck, chest, back, the backs of the hands and the forearms.

Superpeels are beneficial to the texture, color and pore size of the skin, and work by exfoliating the skin to allow products to penetrate more deeply and effectively, and to remove areas of pigmented skin cells caused by sun damage. Clearing the face of dead cells also helps clogged pores to empty more easily, helping to discourage blackheads, whiteheads, and acne, and encourages the production of new, undamaged replacement cells. Melasma, rosacea and a variety of pigmented lesions are some of the other challenges which are helped by chemical peels. They work best in conjunction with the regular application of topical antibiotics and/or cosmeceuticals, depending on the objective of the treatment.

We offer a wide range of chemical peels and potencies, and two varieties of microdermabrasion, with all treatments requiring very little to no down time. The Superpeel that will best suit you depends on your skin tolerance and the results you wish to achieve. We recommend that you have a consultation with Lynda to determine your specific needs and expectations prior to beginning your treatments. She will assist you in the selection of the treatment which will be most beneficial for your skin and its condition.

After the Superpeel, it is suggested that you follow a prescribed skin care regimen to maintain the benefits of your Superpeel between visits. Lynda will advise you as to the best long-term plan for your skin care needs and will be there to assist and counsel you every step of the way.

As with all treatments, it is recommended that you be aware of limitations in the use of the Superpeel and related chemical peels. These treatments are not recommended for pregnant or nursing patients, who should also avoid products containing hydroxy or retinoic acids. Patients with allergies to salicylates should not use beta-hydroxy peels, or any peel containing salicylic acid, including Jessner’s Peels. Any patient with a history of Herpes Simplex should take a prophylactic medication such as Valtrex to prevent an outbreak during treatment.

A Consultation with Lynda. . .

Lynda will spend time working with you to determine the best regimen to enhance the beauty you already possess. She works very closely with Dr. Mash and will assist in providing her patients with detailed instruction emphasizing education and proper skin care.

Start your transformation with a complimentary consultation to discuss your concerns and goals, and to map a plan for achieving them.

For more information or to make an appointment, please contact Lynda at, or telephone 610 277-2663 (office).